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Guest Book


Greetings Visitors,Family and Friends,

The Truant Alternative Program makes every effort to support and connect to young males in need of mentoring to help and assist in developing the journey to manhood. T.A.P. is a non-denominational youth program that assist in self-discipline and self-control of the different stages of growth and maturity of each young male.  Self empowerment is the goal for each young male and to give back to the community through charity, philanthropy or mentoring that they proudly serve. There are several programs that T.A.P. consist of beginning with the core values and using alternatives as a way to enhance the talent of each individual male child. "Dapper John's Closet" is an additional program for male youth to learn the etiquette and fashion sense to engage in important and sophisticated behavior for events.  Male youth learn to volunteer while earning credit for school volunteer services. The idea is to change the culture of attire for a "Make Over"  to prepare young men for job interviews, Proms, Graduations, Court ( If necessary), banquets, weddings, etc.


The Aim is to enforce values that equitable in young men to halp them better serve their families and the community. My reason for creating the Truant Alternative Program came from the experience of growing up in a single parent household being raised by a teenage Mother that did the best that she could to instill virtues and values that would equip me to be a well rounded man. I grew up in the mean streets of Harlem challenged with what the identity of what kind of man would I grow up to be. There were a few positive role models from organizations like the "Each One Teach One Program", The Boys of YesterYear, Minisink Center, Milbank Center, etc.  but there more than ennough pitfalls to distract the young males in my community from going to prison and wasting talent.  I almost fell victim myself then I turned my life around and gave more attention to those role models taht were there all along. Fortunately for me I was taught by some of the well respected "Made Men" in the streets and the scholars from the neighborhood that were well groomed with the proper education.  I've been blessed with a two fold education. I'm passionate about helping young men that are struggling with maturity and guidance.   


If you would be so kind and sign our Guest Book.  It would be Greatly appreciated.  If you're interested in helping out in anyway, leave your information or e-mail:


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